Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Very Important Last Interview Question: Do you have any question for me?

Very Important Last Interview Question: Do you have any question for me?

If you are going for any interview, you must know that at the end of the interview, after asking many questions from you, the interviewer will allow you to ask questions from him. Last question of the interview will be: "Do you have any question for me?". And, my advice is that you must prepare this very last question beforehand.

When the interviewer asks if the candidate has any questions and the answer is none it can be perceived as a low interest level in taking up the job offered.

The questions by the candidate should show a sound knowledge of the company and the overall responsibilities of the offered position. A confident candidate would always want to know more about the organization, in terms of work culture, growth prospects, organizational values, team work and an inside view of the job profile.

The following are the questions the interviewer would be happy to hear from an interviewee, because the interviewer feels this would be what a clear thinking, success oriented candidate would want to know.

Below is the list of the questions you must prepare to ask from interviewer at the end of the interview:

1. Is your company growing and what are the prospects of future expansion?

2. What difficulties do new employees experience in adapting to your company's environment?

3. What are the primary success factors of this role?

4. Might there be other ways I can contribute to the business with my skill sets?

5. Should I be successful, what are the opportunities for advancement?

6. What should I expect with regard to feedback?

7. Will I have an opportunity to create a development plan to be coached on throughout the year?

8. What emphasis is placed on teams working together?

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