Monday, December 23, 2013

ASP.NET Fundamentals: 7 Pillars of ASP.NET: A Basic Interview Question

ASP.NET Fundamentals: 7 Pillars of ASP.NET: A Basic Interview Question

If you are preparing for ASP.NET interview, must be ready for basic ASP.NET interview question "What are the Pillars of ASP.NET?" Pillars of ASP.NET means the fundamentals of ASP.NET like .NET Framework, CLS, CTS, MSIL, JIT, Object Oriented Concepts, Assemblies, DLLs, XCopy Deployment etc. I have listed down 7 Pillars of ASP.NET in detail.

7 Pillars of ASP.NET:

When ASP.NET was first released, there were seven key facts that differentiated it from previous Microsoft products and competing platforms. If you’re coming to ASP.NET from another web development platform, or you’re an old-hand .NET coder who has yet to try programming for the Web, these sections will quickly give you a bit of ASP.NET insight.

The .NET Framework is divided into an almost painstaking collection of functional parts, with tens of thousands of types (the .NET term for classes, structures, interfaces, and other core programming ingredients). 

ASP.NET applications, like all .NET applications, are always compiled. In fact, it’s impossible to execute C# or Visual Basic code without it being compiled first. 

No matter what language you use, the code is compiled into MSIL. MSIL is a stepping stone for every managed application. 

Perhaps the most important aspect of the ASP.NET engine is that it runs inside the runtime environment of the CLR. The whole of the .NET Framework—that is, all namespaces, applications, and classes—is referred to as managed code. Basic features of CLR are:

A) Automatic memory management and garbage collection
B) Type safety
C) Extensible metadata
D) Structured error handling
E) Multithreading

ASP.NET is truly object oriented. Not only does your code have full access to all objects in the .NET Framework, but you can also exploit all the conventions of an OOP (object-oriented programming) environment. 

ASP.NET addresses the problem of cross browser compatibility in a remarkably intelligent way. Although you can retrieve information about the client browser and its capabilities in an ASP.NET page, ASP.NET actually encourages developers to ignore these considerations and use a rich suite of web server controls. These server controls render their markup adaptively by taking the client’s capabilities into account. 

Every installation of the .NET Framework provides the same core classes. As a result, deploying an ASP.NET application is relatively simple. For no-frills deployment, you simply need to copy all the files to a virtual directory on a production server (using an FTP program or even a command-line command like XCOPY). 

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