Monday, December 23, 2013

Apple iPhone Application Development - Initial Steps

Apple iPhone Application Development - Initial Steps

Today, Apple iPhone application development is in full swing and iPhone developers are in great demand. In order to develop iPhone apps, you should be a good Objective C developer. If you have good grip on C++, OOPS Concepts, I can guarantee you that you can learn Objective C easily and quickly and can start building your iPhone apps. There are a lot of iPhone apps development tutorials available on the internet and very good iPhone apps development community on the stackoverflow, so you will not feel alone if you stuck anywhere while iPhone app development. Today, companies are hiring a lot of iPhone app developers for building their iPhone apps. XCode is the full featured tool which eases your iPhone app development to a large extent. A lot of demos, sample codes, sample applications are available on the internet which can fulfil your basic iPhone app functionalities. So, I am just giving the initial steps which you should take while iPhone app development.

Step 1: Think of a good idea

Have a unique idea for an iphone app? So what makes an app stand out?  Why would anyone want to use your app?  Why would they pay money for it if you are going to charge?

Be sure to check that there aren’t other apps that do the same thing that you are proposing. Or if you want to create something better than an app that already exists, think about how your idea will be better.  Draw it out on paper or on the computer.

Step 2: Get A Mac

The iPhone is an Apple product and uses a variation of the Mac OS. Currently, the iPhone development tools are only available for Mac users. You can buy a Mac mini relatively cheaply if you don’t have a Mac at your disposal.

Step 3: Register As An Apple Developer

To work with the Mac tools, you will need to become an official Apple Developer. Registration is free so you simply have to give them your information and agree to their terms.  You only need to register once, and you are able to use the same username and password used for your iTunes account. Once you are an Apple Developer, you can develop iPhone apps for any of the Mac products.

Step 4:  Download The Software Development Kit For iPhone (SDK)

Once you are an official developer, you can download the SDK for iPhone.  The version you need depends on the OS you are currently running.  This download is HUGE because it comes with all sorts of documentation, sample codes, and all sorts of things you will be glad to have later on. It could take a few hours, so you might want to start the download, put in a good movie, and wait.

Step 5: Download XCode

If you don’t already have it, download XCode.  According to Apple, “Xcode is a complete, full-featured IDE built around a smooth workflow that integrates the editing of source code, with the build and compile steps, through to a graphical debugging experience – all without leaving the view of your source code.”  This is another huge download, so you might want to rent a second movie.

Step 6: Develop Your iPhone App With The Templates In The SDK

Once you have your app drawn out on paper or in Photoshop, you can start designing it with the templates provided in the SDK.  This is where that HUGE amount of download time will be a huge benefit.  You will have lots of templates to choose from, and there are a lot of great YouTube clip tutorials on how to use the templates effectively.

Step 7: Learn Objective-C For Cocoa

If you love programming languages, you will love Objective-C.  If you don’t know how to program, this is the part that can get pretty sticky, so you might want to find a programmer friend or hire someone.  It really does help to get a book, too, for reference.

Step 8: Program Your App In Objective-C

Once you at least understand the basics of Objective-C (or at least know how to find answers to programming questions), you are ready to program your app.  It helps to take screenshots as you go along so you can remember what you tried.  Some apps can take just a few hours to program while other Apps can take months. Only you know how much detail you want out there for its maiden voyage in the App Store!

Step 9: Test The App In The iPhone Simulator

The SDK comes with a lovely iPhone Simulator.  You will need to load up your app and do your own testing.  You should try to work out as many bugs as possible and think about all the ways someone might use your app.

Step 10: Host A Bake Sale

Remember when I told you in the fine print that you would have to raise some cash?  This is that moment.  Sadly, loading an app into iTunes costs a one time member fee of $99 (USD).  There is no way out of this fee, but you might earn it back in triplicate if your app is worthy!  Truly though, you DO get a lot for your $99. For one, you get access to some of the coolest people on this side of Pluto!

Step 11: Have Others Test Your App

Once you pay your fee, you will be able to have others in the app community test your app and help you work out final bugs.  This is a great community, and testing new stuff is lots of fun. If you are a newbie like me, you will be in awe of the kings and queens of geeky stardom. Depending on the nature and complexity of your app, this process can take some time.

Step 12: Submit Your App For Approval

After testing your app in the community and working out all the bumps, you can submit the app to iTunes for approval.  You will be able to upload it right from the community.  The process of approval can take some time, so be patient!

Step 13: Watch The Dough & Traffic Roll In!

If you created a paid app, just wait for the money to roll in to shore. If you created a free app, watch the traffic!

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