Friday, April 11, 2014

How to call both Javascript function with PHP file on the click on HTML link?

How to call both Javascript function with PHP file on the click on HTML link?

Recently, I was trying to implement logout functionality while working with PHP website. I had put logout logic in logout.php file and I was calling that file on the click of logout link like following:

<a href="logout.php">Logout</a>

This was working fine. But later on I realised that I also have to clear localstorage maintained by using Javascript before logging out the user. So, I had to call the javascript function that clears the localstorage before calling the logout.php file. 

Javascript function for clearing the localstorage:

function ClearMyLocalStorage()

I investigated two approaches to accomplish my task.

Approach 1:

<a href="logout.php" onclick="ClearMyLocalStorage()">

Approach 2:

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="ClearMyLocalStorage();">Logout</a>

And in your function you have to write like

function ClearMyLocalStorage()
    window.location.href = 'logout.php';

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