Sunday, October 28, 2012

HESK Online Web Based Help Desk Software Features and Benefits

HESK Online Web Based Help Desk Software Features and Benefits

Here is the list of features and benefits of HESK online web based help desk software. Features are categorised as Customer Interface, Knowledgebase and Administrator/Staff interface.

Customer Interface:

1. Submit new tickets (web form or email piping/POP3 fetching)
2. Attach files
3. Obtain detailed information from customers with custom fields
4. SPAM prevention
5. Suggest related knowledgebase articles before final ticket submission
6. View and rate staff replies
7. E-mail notifications of staff replies
8. Browse and search knowledgebase


1. Unlimited knowledgebase articles
2. Unlimited categories and subcategories
3. Quick and Easy search capabilities
4. Post attachments to articles
5. Count article views
6. List newest and most popular articles
7. Rate articles

Administrator/Staff interface:

1. Unlimited administrators and staff accounts
2. Restricted access to some functionalities for certain staff
3. Powerful ticket search ability
4. Assign tickets to staff
5. Manage knowledgebase categories and articles
6. Manage staff accounts
7. Canned responses (pre-written replies)
8. Customize help desk settings
9. Track time worked on a ticket
10. Modify your profiles and signatures
11. Autoclose tickets after X days
12. Run reports
13. E-mail notifications of new tickets and replies
14. Customers can easily rate staff replies
15. Easy translation into any language

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