When you need to create the same/similar replica of the existing cloud environment to another region or account, just create a template (in form of JSON/YAML) from the existing cloud environment and implement it on another region or account. CloudFormation converts all your cloud infrastructure to JSON/YAML code. Below are some basic points to remember about CloudFormation:
1. Infrastructure as Code
2. Create replica of your existing cloud environment (infrastructure resources) across multiple accounts and regions.
3. Components:
4. Use cases:
5. Cost: Cloud Formation does not have any additional cost but you are charged for the underlying resources it builds.
1. Infrastructure as Code
2. Create replica of your existing cloud environment (infrastructure resources) across multiple accounts and regions.
3. Components:
- Template (JSON or YAML) (Code of your cloud environment or infrastructure resources)
- Stack (Logical collection/grouping of infrastructure resources based on the template code)
- Changeset (Preview summary of proposed changes to your infrastructure)
4. Use cases:
- To copy the current cloud environment to another account or region
- To copy Production environment for developers to debug any issue
5. Cost: Cloud Formation does not have any additional cost but you are charged for the underlying resources it builds.