Online Web Based Asset Scanning and Discovery Softwares and Features
Here is the list of features of online web based asset scanning and discovery softwares.
1. Discovery is the key to asset management.
You can manage ALL the assets, only when ALL your assets are accounted for. To do that, Asset Scanning and Discovery Softwares give you various options for scanning, discovery, tracking and adding to your asset database.
2. Windows domain scan
Asset Scanning and Discovery Softwares let you scan your network and track all assets, based on the domain / Active Directory or Windows workgroup. Scan any number of domains, as long as you have the credentials!
3. Not a Windows fan? Try network scan
Do not be disheartened if you are not a windows person. Asset Scanning and Discovery Softwares have a networking scanning option that allows you to scan any workstation (linux, MAC, Solaris etc.) or IP devices (ex. printer, router etc.).
4. Scan a particular device
When you add a new workstation or a device in your network, either you can scan the whole network again (takes more time) or scan for that particular device and add to your assets.
5. Remote offices? Assets not in your network?
When it comes to Asset Scanning and Discovery Softwares, out of sight does not mean out of mind. You could have branches in remote locations and still have all the assets scanned & tracked into your help desk database. This is where the agent scanning plays a critical role in asset discovery.
6. Schedule scanning or re-scanning
No need to manually scan all the assets to check if there is an addition or modification of an IT asset. You can schedule the network scans using Asset Scanning and Discovery Softwares for keeping your assets database uptodate.